

The Weekend!

Ahh. The weekend. This week seemed to go by really fast...Well I guess it kind of did because it was a short school week. only 4 days instead of 5.
But now its the weekend.
But what I really wanted to post about was something that happened a while ago.
The person in charge of the gifted and talented program in my old school rides. She does dressage at a fancy barn and everything.
She's got a gorgeous warmblood horse, and he's amazing.
Yes, amazing.
She bought him 9 and a half years ago, and she got soooo lucky! he was a year old.
Then she found a great barn, when an amazing dressage trainer. Together...They trained her horse. Wranger. Pronounced Ranger.
So...I got to ride him.
Once around the arena, at a walk. Yep. That's it.
And it was amazing.
But before I rode him, though, we saw her trainer work with him.
And yes, it that was also amazing.
The only real dressage I've ever seen was once at the Kentucky Horse Park, and than a few more times in movies.
But that was nothing compared to this. This horse is doing lower olympic level dressage movements and patterns.
Let's just say,
it was amazing.
How many times did I use the word amazing? I was told to try to make a post with the word amazing in it 5 times..I got six(:

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