

Grr. I'm Annoyed right Now.

I'm so annoyed right now..
Is there one thing that you just hate? Something that, if someone does, you just get so mad? Well there are two things that just get under my skin. They are pretty much really different, but the get so annoying!

I hate when people lie to me. If you aren't going to be honest with me, don't talk to me. It just makes me so mad that peope think they need to lie to impress me, or that they just think they need to lie about whatever. I hate feeling like I can't trust people, but that's what happens.

The other thing I really, really hate, is when people say the sports I'm in are easy.
Swimming? That takes practically every muscle in your body, from your biceps to your abs to your toe muscles. Well we don't literally use our toes, but you get my point.
The hockey players at my school are the worst. They thought practicing 5 hours a day between dry-land and in the water was easy. Well we showed them. The hockey coach and the swimming coach got together and had the hockey players do one swim practice. They got out of the water at the end practically in tears apologizing, saying that they were wrong.
And, of course, riding. Most people don't even consider it a sport, but they are so wrong. I ride Western and occasionally English, and they are hard. I just hate when people think, for example, that barrel racing is sitting on a horse and kicking it and it'll automatically run the pattern. Yeah I'd like to see them try it. I think it would end up worse than the hockey players in the swim practice. I've been riding since April, not focusing mainly on barrels, but can still barely lope the pattern. Its a lot harder than it looks.

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