

My Camera..:(

My camera is still broken :( but good news...We sent it in to somewhere in Minneapolis ,and I should be getting it back soon! We brought it to a Sears, and they sent it out for us. So I should be getting it back in a week and a half! I'm sooo excited! I've been having to use my brother's camera and my mom's camera, but I just love my camera. I hope I have it back for the first day of school..!

Oh and speaking of cameras...You now those really cool underwater cameras? If you don't, I'd suggest looking them up ;) But anyways, I might be getting one :D I'm really excited, because I could use it every day at swim practice <3 I'd be able to bring it to the beach when we go, and I'd be able to take it on vacation to the ocean, and I'd be able to use it in the lap pool and get some great pictures for my blogging :P

AND..(yeah I know, this might turn into a really long post...) Monday is my last lesson :( We are scheduling more, but I'm starting to get really really busy with swimming, and now school is going to start, and there are swim parties and team building and all that crazy stuff. Once school starts, my day willl be like this:
Monday, Wednesday, Friday- wake up at 6. Go to school until 2:30. Swim until 5-5:30. Get home around 6. Eat. Sleep.
Thursdays and some Tuesdays-Wake up at 6. Go to school until 2:30. Swim meet until 7-ish. Go home. Sleep. Wake up. Eat. Sleep more.
Saturdays, I have high school meets and team parties, and Sundays, NOTHING! (Well..Some parties :P)
Now where would I fit my riding in there? My mom can't drive me out there on Sundays, and every other day I'm busy. So I have to wait until after the swim season...But then...I get to...Lease :D I'm probably going to end up leasing Val<3. She isn't pregnant:( but its ok. I really hope I get to lease her! She's the best horse I've ever ridden! She's so sweet! She's the best ever!

So anyways..I'm not sure what else to talk about! Nothing new and interesting, other than swimming on Monday and my lesson.


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